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Outside of client work, I also love creating my own art using a combination of mediums. I most often use paint, pencil, vinyl, and my computer, and always with a heart for creating pieces that are uplifting. Some I keep in stock, others are made to order, some will even be customizable.


New items will be added periodically, so check back often!

Mandala Scripture Art

The mandala is a beautiful symbol of sacred love and wholeness; all things being encompassed by God. I love creating the combination of art + symmetry, and for some designs, overlaying half of the mandala with a verse from scripture. My art teacher as a child taught me that art has no rules. I've always loved that notion! The mandala art is a long, beautiful process that I made up through a series of lessons learned (aka failed projects! Ha!) In a nutshell, first I create the mandala art digitally, then cut a vinyl stencil, and hand paint it on the canvas.
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